Lime Cordiale on their new album ‘Enough Of The Sweet Talk’

New music about being strangers to friends, friends to lovers, lovers to enemies then enemies back to strangers. Touring with and fangirling over Ballpark Music. Dealing with imposter syndrome. Being inspired by French plays and being in the country (“yee-haw”). Firing their mum (it’s alright, we think she’s okay). Moscow Mules. Brat Summer & more.

Fuzzer: Thanks so much for taking the time to chat! Congrats on the release of your new album ‘Enough Of The Sweet Talk’. How does it feel to have that all out in the world for everyone to listen to?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Yeah, we're stoked! I mean, it's a bit of a relief in a way. We've been sitting on it for a while and you get so used to the songs and yeah. They become your little secret songs because they haven't been released. And suddenly, people are going “Oh, I love this one and that one” and it kind of throws you off. You're like “Oh, yeah, you've got that now!”. Yeah, giving the babies away.

Fuzzer: (Laughs) For sure. And how did you land on the name of the album?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): The title track is ‘Enough Of The Sweet Talk’ and because the album is like a relationship in chronological order, you know, from strangers to friends, friends to lovers, lovers to enemies then enemies back to strangers, it's kind of like, it runs the course of a relationship. ‘Enough Of The Sweet Talk’ I guess, it seemed like the one on the album that sums that up in a way.

Fuzzer: Yeah, that’s so awesome. And also loving the album artwork, I feel like your artwork is always amazing. Do you do it yourself?

Louis (Lime Cordiale): I do. Yeah, I do do it!

Fuzzer: Oh that’s sick! Yeah, because I saw yesterday you were painting like the side of a truck or something with the same artwork?

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Yeah the side of a truck, and on the other side there's a sort of semi nude photo of us that we thought was good marketing that we were driving around the city as well.

Fuzzer: (Laughs) Nice! Yeah 100% great marketing. And you delve into a lot of different themes with this lyrically within the album. And one of our favorite tracks is the first song of the album, ‘Pedestal’. Can you tell us a little bit about the concept of this track?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Yeah, it's definitely one of my favorite tracks as well. Especially with the big Coldplay moment at the end. But yeah, it's looking at someone from afar and not really wanting to get to know them. Because you know, them living in your dreams and daydreaming is kind of better. You know that if you got to know them, and they got to know you, it's probably like, just a different thing and it wasn't as good as the beauty of your imagination (laughs). So that’s the concept of that song.

Fuzzer: Yeah, I feel like people can relate to that a lot, for sure. And we also love the song, I'm gonna butcher the pronunciation of this - ‘The Big Reveal; Ou L’Hypocrite’. It's such an awesome tune - what was the writing and production process like for that one?

Louis (Lime Cordiale): I guess it started off as a sort of soft little indie tune. And then we were sort of delving into the lyrics and were inspired by this play called ‘The Imposter’ or ‘The Hypocrite’ (translation of Ou L’Hypocrite) by a French writer called Molière. And I don't know, that lyric created this theatrical idea and we sort of pushed that really hard and made a video clip to sort of work with that.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Yeah, also we were imagining the story about a bit of a drama queen. You know, we've got a lot of actor friends and they love to bring the drama back into their own lives when there's not enough going on (laughs). There's a bit of that in there as well. You're just like, “Come on, keep it to the stage” (laughs). 

Fuzzer: Yeah (laughs). You mentioned the word “imposter” which reminds me, one of the songs that stuck out to us was ‘Imposter Syndrome’. What was your journey like creating that song and also just your journey with impostor syndrome as a whole?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Well the irony is that we had a lot of impostor syndrome even creating that song. And some songs come quite easily like, there’s a song on there called ‘Country Club’ and it's just silly and fun. And, you know, the sillier and weirder we could make the guitar parts and the voices in that then, great. That's what we wanted. So it sort of came out quickly and something like ‘Imposter Syndrome’, I mean, it just felt like there were themes there that were a little bit more serious. But we do tend to wig out sometimes.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Sometimes? (Laughs)

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): (Laughs) Yes. A lot of the time. Yeah, definitely on some of those more serious songs, a little bit more. But yeah, sometimes we just need a break from them. And we might record most of a song, and then we'll have a few months where we need to just leave it and sit with it and put it on the shelf, and then maybe we'll come back to it. Maybe we'll show our friends and see what they think. And then we're in a bit of a different headspace and we can kind of tackle it again.

Fuzzer: Yeah 100%. I think it's so important, I guess, in the songwriting process to take space and time with music because you don't want to rush into it in order to get the best out of it.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): With some of those, some of the magic comes quickly, you know, some all pour out in one day and you kind of work out most of the song. Like often we can do a song in a day, but then it's that extra like 5-10% in order to finish a song. We're really good at writing songs up to like the 80% mark. We get a first verse in the chorus, and then that feels good. And when the chorus still needs a little bit of work, and that's when it gets tricky.

Fuzzer: Yeah, that's always the toughest part, those last final details and just getting all the mixing and mastering done properly and then finally wrapping it up.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Absolutely.

Fuzzer: And what were some of your main highlights and core memories working on the album as a whole?

Louis (Lime Cordiale): I mean, we recorded the majority of the album up at a farm on the mid north coast of New South Wales in Australia. So it was nice to sort of get away and get into it like that. And I think there’s definitely like country elements that you get just being in the country, you sort of get a bit like “yee-haw” (laughs) with that twangy guitar in there, wearing cowboy hats and that. So it was pretty nice to be out there and in isolation.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Yeah, also I think one of the highlights for me is we've always had a bit of strings on our albums and our mum, she plays cello so she's just been on our past albums. And she'll bring a friend along to play violin. And we tend to layer it up and get an orchestra sound in there. But this album she got fired, unfortunately (laughs). Yeah, that's only because we've found this great guy. He's Australian, he lives in Berlin. And he's just like, really good at creating this really lush, orchestral sound, just with him and two other people. He’s just really good at layering it up. And we worked with him on the orchestration and gave him a bit of free rein. And he came back with his beautiful string arrangements with songs like ‘Colin’ and ‘Strangers’. There are really lush sounding strings on there, which I don't know, feels like it just gave us a bit of a sonic difference to the other albums. It's just something new for us. We've always delved into the horns, and we love our horn players, but having really great lush strings on these felt new.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): In short, we fired our mum (laughs)

Fuzzer: (Laughs) Yeah, poor mum. As you were saying, the strings does bring a different level of emotion and range to the music so it sounds really great. One thing that we're doing with each of our interviews is we are going to customize a cocktail recipe in relation to the album or project we're talking about. So perhaps this could be like inspiration for something that listeners can drink while they listen to your album. So if ‘Enough Of The Sweet Talk’ was at cocktail, what vibe would you be going for for this?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Oh, it's a tricky one. I love my Campari.

Fuzzer: I feel like definitely lime.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Maybe something strong you reckon? I feel like progressively through the album it would change, then a bottle of whiskey at the end.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Aperol Spritz ending with a bottle of whiskey straight (laughs). I love a Moscow Mule, I love the sourness, but what freaks me out is the eggs in there. So I’d probably try and do some limey sour Moscow Mule but try do the vegan version of it, I guess.

Fuzzer: Okay, great. I love that! Alright, we're gonna come up with a recipe and then when this interview drops, we'll share it with everyone. We've got some good inspiration.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Make it strong (laughs)

Fuzzer: Yeah, we'll get something strong. And I like the spritz idea as well. That was really good.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): It’s an alone at a bar sort of drink.

Fuzzer: (Laughs) Yeah, love it! So you're about to go on tour very soon throughout October in Australia and New Zealand, and you've got Ballpark Music on the Australian dates. What are you looking forward to most about those performances?

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Ballpark. Just seeing Ballpark Music.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale) Yeah. I’m worried because we'll be watching their set, and then someone will go ‘Alright, you guys are on in five minutes’. And I'll be like ‘Ah, damn it, we’ve been distracted by Ballpark Music’

Louis (Lime Cordiale): It’s a hard act to follow.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale) Yeah, in a way you know, it's like what are we doing to ourselves? Why did we do this?! Because we put Ballpark Music on there. And then we follow that? Like, that's pretty scary.

Fuzzer: (Laughs) I think you guys will be so fine!

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): We'll see but they’re one of our favourite bands. I can't believe that we called them up and saying “what do you reckon of jumping on this tour or not?” and them saying “Yeah, we'd love to”. It's like, what?! We were not expecting that. We were too embarrassed to ask.

Fuzzer: (Laughs) And what song are you looking forward to performing most live?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): One of the new ones, you know, maybe ‘Strangers’ or something like that. Love the end section of that song just going wild. So yeah, it's gonna be interesting because throughout Europe, we're touring and we'll be playing new songs. You don't really know how the audience reacts to these tunes until you play. So yeah, there's a bit of experimentation before we hit Australia and New Zealand for sure.

Fuzzer: Yeah that’s so good, you’re going to be putting on some amazing shows. Like I know last time you played in Auckland at The Tuning Fork, it was like a last minute announce and there were hundreds of people just queued outside. So that must be a crazy feeling to have those kinds of fan experiences.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): That was crazy. New Zealand fans are just so appreciative of music heading over there. And so they're just often like, just the best audience because they're just having so much fun.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): They are some of the best in the world.

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): They just sing as well. I felt you guys grow up with such great music. Everyone can sort of sing pretty decently it feels like.

Fuzzer: Yeah, there are some great singers here! And what music are you listening to at the moment? Are there any like new artists that we should listen to that you recommend?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Have you heard of a band called SIX60 or Fat Freddy’s Drop? (laughs)

Fuzzer: Yeah those small little bands, yeah I think I’ve heard of them (laughs).

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): We’ve played shows with Fat Freddy’s Drop throughout Europe and then we played with SIX60 in New Zealand. So we've been able to experience both those bands. It's pretty awesome. I think some of this album was inspired by Nathaniel Rateliff who's from Colorado. He's got that southern American twang and he's just released a new album which is great. Insane voice.

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Big whiskey voice. 

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Yeah, that whiskey voice. But other than that, we're delving into the Charli XCX, bit of brat (laughs)

Louis (Lime Cordiale): And do you know Forest Claudette? Yeah I only just sort of found him, I don't know why I'm so late to the party, but yeah I love his music.

Fuzzer: Yes, great recommendations! Those are all my questions for you - is there anything else you want to touch on before we wrap up?

Ollie (Lime Cordiale) Nah, just can't wait to get over to New Zealand. Finishes off our touring for this year, so that’ll be the after party so it will be great.

Fuzzer: Yeah, awesome! Well, I can't wait to see you guys play live and it's gonna be amazing. See you on October! 

Louis (Lime Cordiale): Yeah, see you then!

Ollie (Lime Cordiale): Thank you so much.

Keep up with Lime Cordiale on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Apple Music or TikTok.


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