Sesame Girl on their latest self-titled EP & other new music

Meeting through a Facebook group. Early influences being Arctic Monkeys & Nirvana. Music centred around mental health, feminism & relationships. The aura of the EP being ice cold diet coke can from the servo when you get back into your hot car in the summer (so refreshing!).

Fuzzer: Thanks for taking the time to answer some of our questions! First of all, how did you get started making music together?

Sesame Girl: Thank you it’s a pleasure! We met through a Facebook group called Canberra musicians which is kind of funny, kind of lame. Gus and I (Heather) already knew each other a bit, but we hadn’t met Blake. Josh joined later, and did a bit of long distance from the gong, before we all joined him up there. I think from the first jam we felt there was something special between us all. I already had some songs written, which with everyone’s help ended up being our first record ‘Lucky Charm’.

Fuzzer: Amazing! And who were your main musical and creative influences growing up?

Sesame Girl: When I was growing up I was right in the thick of the tumblr grunge era, so I was very obsessed with the Arctic Monkeys and Nirvana. I also had a random Elvis phase at 17 and my mum took us up to the Elvis festival in Parkes which is crazy. But I think when I was really influenced creatively was when I discovered shoegaze and all the indie girls, Soccer Mommy and Snail Mail were major for me and still are.

Fuzzer: So good! And we are obsessed with your latest self-titled EP that you dropped last year! What themes were important for you to write about for this project?

Sesame Girl: Aw thank you that’s so sweet! The record centres around my experiences with bad mental health, and with bad and good relationships. I find that everything I write tends to fall in those categories somehow. All I hope from writing about those things is that anyone listening to our stuff knows they’re not alone.

Fuzzer: 100%. And we absolutely love your song “Hey x” - what was the inspiration behind this track?

Sesame Girl: Thank you!!!! The song comes from my experience with an ex who made me feel so insecure, and so anxious. One of the craziest things he did was sneak out of bed while I was asleep to go for a coffee date with a friend of mine who was 17. So fucked. But he did worse too. The song itself is me processing those things I was feeling, because at the time I didn’t really put myself first.

Fuzzer: Yes, it’s so important to prioritise yourself! And 'BOYS' is amazing - there's a beautiful nostalgic feeling behind the production of it. Can you tell us a little bit about the concept of this song?

Sesame Girl: Thank you, yeah! With “BOYS”, we were definitely going for that 90’s girl band vibe, and it’s really important to me to put out music that has a feminist message. It’s not up to boys to decide whether you’re hot enough to be interesting and that’s basically it for the concept!

Fuzzer: Love it. And what were your main highlights or core memories working on this latest EP?

Sesame Girl: I think the whole time was a highlight! Writing and recording is my favourite part of being in a band, and we all just love hanging out so much and being together. I remember the first vape hit after being done with the vocals was pretty fire too.

Fuzzer: Hahaha, awesome! One thing we’re doing with each of our interviews is customising a cocktail recipe in relation to the project we're talking about. So if the EP "Sesame Girl" was a cocktail, what type of drink would it be or what flavours do you think it would have?

Sesame Girl: Oh my god I don’t really know any cocktails … Maybe it’s like an ice cold diet coke can from the servo when you get back into your hot car in the summer. I think that’s the aura of the record.

Fuzzer: Yes, so good! We can definitely work with that. And what music are you listening to at the moment and are there any new artists/songs you would recommend?

Sesame Girl: I’ve been listening to a fair bit of new stuff! But I’d totally recommend the new Armlock album it is very awesome! And not a new one but we’ve been listening to The Sundays a lot.

Fuzzer: What's next for you in 2024?

Sesame Girl: We may be coming to a city near you at the end of the year!!! Local band says… big things coming soon!! xxx

Keep up with Sesame Girl on Instagram, TikTok, Spotify or Apple Music.


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